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Tegometall Shelf Binning Display

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Tegometall Shelf Cross Binning

Tegometall Shelf Cross Binning

Create compartments using front and back risers with side and cross dividers

Ideal for confectionary, stationery or small packed or loose items.

Virtually any size compartment can be achieved with the plastic grooved risers and dividers.

The sizes of Tegometal Risers, Dividers and cross dividers available are listed bellow.

Simply match the front/back rises and side dividers to the size of shelf being used, the number of dividers and cross dividers depends on the size of the compartments required to display the various products.

These binning compartments are extremely flexible and can be changed quickly if required to display different or varying quantities of products

Tegometall Wire Risers and Dividers

Tegometall Wire Risers and Dividers

Silver Finsh Wire Front and Back Risers and Dividers to fit Tegometall shelves available in two heights.

Online Catalogue > Shelving > Modular Shelving > Tegometall Retail Shelving > Tegometall Shelf Binning Display


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